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Superior Water Conditioners and the Reduction of Surface Tension

At Superior Water Conditioners, we’ve always been confident in the effectiveness of our product, but we believe in backing up our claims with solid evidence. That’s why we recently partnered with an independent laboratory to conduct a thorough test on our product’s ability to reduce the surface tension of water.

We’re excited to share that the results came back in full support of our claims. The lab’s findings confirmed that water passing through the Superior Water Conditioner experiences a significant reduction in surface tension. This is a crucial factor in numerous applications, as lower surface tension can improve the performance and efficiency of processes involving water.

Water Surface Tension Analysis

The objective of this test was to measure the surface tension of three types of water—chlorinated city water, dechlorinated city water, and well water—before and after passing through the Superior Water Conditioner. To conduct the surface tension test, three water samples were provided to the Greater Lakes Krűss lab. These samples, sourced from different locations in Fort Wayne, Indiana, included chlorinated city water, dechlorinated city water, and well water. Each sample was tested using the Wilhelmy method to establish a baseline.

The Wilhelmy Method for Measuring Surface Tension

The Wilhelmy method is a technique used to measure the surface tension of a liquid. It involves immersing a thin, vertically oriented plate into the liquid. The force exerted on the plate due to the liquid’s surface tension is measured as the plate is slowly lowered into or raised out of the liquid. This force, along with the known dimensions of the plate, is used to calculate the surface tension. The method is widely used because it is straightforward and provides accurate results, especially for liquids with low viscosity as shown in (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Direct Measurement of Surface Tension Without Correction

Testing Procedure

The test where conducted using the following procedures to establish a standardized, repeatable process that ensures consistency, accuracy, and reliability in the results.

1. A Tensíío tensiometer from KRUSS was validated by measuring surface tension of distilled at room temperature using a cleaned, flame-treated Wilhelmy Plate. Literature value states that surface tension of distilled water should be 72.8 mN/m +/- 1 at 20°C. The distilled water measured 72.28 mN/m prior to testing the samples from Superior Manufacturing, LLC.
2. The surface tension of CITY WATER with CHLORINE was measured at room temperature using a cleaned, flame-treated Wilhelmy Plate.
3. The sample of CITY WATER with CHLORINE was passed through the Superior Water Conditioner 1x by and the sample was measured using a cleaned, flame-treated Wilhelmy plate.
4. Steps #2 and #3 were repeated for the remaining samples, CITY WATER CHLORINE REMOVED and WELL WATER.

The Results

The testing by Krűss Labs provided us with positive results for the effects of a Superior Water Conditioner. The lab measured the surface tension of three types of water—chlorinated city water, dechlorinated city water, and well water—both before and after passing through the Superior Water Conditioner. Using the Wilhelmy method, the tests demonstrated a clear reduction in surface tension across all water samples after treatment of more than 50% (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Results of Wilhelmy Test on Conditioned Water

These positive results reinforce our commitment to innovation and quality, ensuring that homeowners receive a product that truly delivers on its promises. Whether it’s improving the efficiency of your home’s water system or enhancing the effectiveness of cleaning and gardening, our solution not only meets but exceeds expectations, that are validated by scientific testing.

What Does This Mean for YOU the Homeowner?

A reduction in water’s surface tension has several practical benefits for homeowners and residential applications:

1. Improved Cleaning Efficiency: Lower surface tension allows water to spread more easily and penetrate surfaces better. This means cleaning agents mixed with water can be more effective at removing dirt, grease, and grime from various surfaces, leading to cleaner homes with less effort.
2. Enhanced Water Absorption: Reduced surface tension helps water to be absorbed more readily by porous materials like soil, fabrics, or wood. This can improve the efficiency of watering, making gardening and lawn care more effective, and ensuring that cleaning solutions penetrate deeper into surfaces like carpets or upholstery.
3. Better Detergent Performance: When water has a lower surface tension, detergents and soaps can work more effectively, requiring less product to achieve the same level of cleanliness.
4. Preventing Water Spots: Water with reduced surface tension is less likely to form droplets that can dry into spots on surfaces like glass, dishes, and shower walls.

Overall, reducing water’s surface tension can enhance many everyday tasks, making them easier, more efficient, and potentially more cost-effective for homeowners.

Why Cities Are Banning Salt-Based Water Softeners

When exploring solutions for hard water or delving into local water regulations, you might be surprised to find that certain areas have prohibited salt-based water softeners. For instance, while California allows individual cities to impose bans, Massachusetts and Texas regulate the discharge of byproducts from these systems, while others have completely outlawed them.

Water Softener Salt

Why Are Salt-Based Water Softeners Increasingly Being Banned?

The bans on salt-based water softeners stem from their broader impact, which goes beyond individual households. These systems present notable environmental hazards, lead to significant water waste, and result in high water treatment costs. To put this in perspective, to perform water desalination it costs about two-three dollars per thousand gallons treated. In a city like Los Angeles, which consumes up to half a billion gallons daily, desalination would cost over $1 million per day.

How Salt-Based Water Softeners use Ion Exchange

Salt-based water softeners function by using a process called ion exchange to replace the hard calcium or magnesium water minerals with sodium or potassium. See below for a brief overview of how ion exchange works:

  1. Resin Beads: The water softener contains resin beads that are coated with sodium or potassium ions. The resin beads are negatively charged, which attract the positively charged calcium and magnesium ions present in hard water. This charge attraction is the key to the ion exchange process.
  2. Hard Water Enters: As hard water flows through the resin beads, the calcium and magnesium ions in the water are attracted to the resin.
  3. Ion Exchange: The negatively charged resin beads capture the positively charged calcium and magnesium ions and release sodium or potassium ions in their place.
  4. Soft Water Exits: The water that leaves the softener is now free of calcium and magnesium, making it “soft.”
  5. Regeneration: Over time, the resin beads become saturated with calcium and magnesium ions. The system regenerates by flushing a brine solution through the resin tank, displacing the accumulated minerals and restoring the beads’ effectiveness. This wastewater, containing the displaced minerals, is then flushed out.

This process effectively reduces the hardness of the water, preventing scale buildup and improving the efficiency of household appliances.

Environmental Consequences

The displaced minerals that are flushed out with water create a brine that eventually infiltrates groundwater and local water bodies. This brine can severely damage aquatic ecosystems and terrestrial wildlife. According to a University of Minnesota study, such systems contribute over 150,000 tons of salt annually to local lakes, harming freshwater habitats.

Issues with Frequent Water Flushing

In drought-prone states like California and Arizona frequent flushing of a valuable resource such as water can be highly problematic. Salt-based systems can use anywhere between 20 to 100 gallons of water per flush, often on a daily basis—comparable to running a dishwasher every night. This level of water consumption is unsustainable in regions constantly facing water shortages.

Financial Burdens of Water Treatment

In conjunction with the scarcity of water in some states lies in the financial burden associated with managing salt-laden water. Traditional water treatment plants are not designed to remove salt, necessitating the use of desalination—a process that is both expensive and complex.

Desalination involves removing salt and other impurities from saline water to produce fresh water, typically through methods such as reverse osmosis or distillation. These processes require substantial energy, sophisticated equipment, and ongoing maintenance, leading to high operational costs.

Additionally, the initial investment for constructing desalination plants is immense, often running into hundreds of millions of dollars. The infrastructure needed to support these plants, including intake and outflow systems, also adds to the overall expense.

These financial challenges highlight the importance of finding more sustainable and cost-effective alternatives to manage hard water without relying on salt-based systems.

Sustainable Alternatives

Considering the environmental, water waste, and financial drawbacks of salt-based water softeners, it’s understandable why some areas have imposed bans. If you currently use a salt-based system, check whether your city offers buyback programs or tax incentives for switching to a more sustainable option.

Superior Residential Products

One such option is the Superior Water Conditioner, which operates without chemicals, salts, or other additives. This environmentally friendly system prevents scale formation and corrosion in household piping and appliances, without causing harm to the environment or wasting water. Moreover, these systems not only prevent hard water scale but also remove existing scale from pipes and appliances.

Final Thoughts

Water is an invaluable resource, and adopting water treatment solutions that promote sustainability and conservation is crucial. By understanding the reasons behind the bans on salt-based water softeners and exploring alternative options, we can hope to make more informed decisions that benefit both our homes and the environment.

Scale and the Risks It Poses to Your Plumbing System

Plumbing accessoriesIt is hard to tell when scale is plaguing your water supply at home since it accumulates in the interior of plumbing systems. The water in your pipes is not pure and carries some minerals, metals, and other elements. When it passes through your pipes, it builds up into scale, slowly shrinking the size of passable space and causing slow damage to your plumbing.

Scale can also grow on your equipment and its parts, causing major operational difficulties. Thus, hiring a professional to address this problem is important. There are many solutions to scale, but you need to choose one that is safest for your household and your water supply.

What Is Scale?

Scale is a buildup of minerals and other deposits in areas that come in contact with water, including pipes and plumbing fixtures. It occurs mostly when minerals, such as calcium and magnesium, are in a heated or pressurized area. Because it contains metal particles, it can cause certain parts of a pipe to corrode, resulting in severe damage.

The only way to remove or reduce scale buildup is by water-softening. Plumbers and other home repair professionals may use chemicals in the process, but healthier, chemical-free solutions are available.

Without repairs and other solutions, your plumbing system and connected equipment may take on several types of damage.

Tube Damage

Scale is a form of metal salt and can cause corrosion and erosion, especially to pipes that have too much buildup. A piece of equipment that uses water and has been running for a long time may also have the same result.

Lower Output, Higher Cost

When scale builds up, your pipes’ space becomes narrow, reducing the amount of water that could pass through. As a result, your pipe becomes less efficient, and you end up spending on pipes that do not carry as much water as it should. Homes with severe scale buildup could be spending a lot on water and maintenance costs.

Increased Maintenance

When you leave your pipes and equipment to collect enough scale, you risk worsening the damage on your plumbing system. If your pipes are often damaged and need too many repairs, you could be spending a lot on maintenance and repair services. It could also reach the point where addressing the scale problem and preventing future buildup might be more affordable than fixing or replacing the damaged pipes and equipment.

Do not wait for scale buildup to worsen and affect your plumbing system, and inconvenience you and your family.  If you suspect that your piping system and plumbing equipment at home are at risk of scale damage, call a professional immediately and have your plumbing checked.

From pipes to dishwashers, heaters, and other equipment, Superior Water Conditioners provides reliable and efficient residential water treatment services in Fort Wayne. We dissolve existing scale and protect your systems from future buildup through non-chemical methods, keeping your plumbing’s life expectancy high and your water safe and healthy.

Click here to learn more about our residential water treatment systems.

How Can Water Conditioners Preserve Your Plumbing System?

Water conditioners can make your water supply better. The system filters and removes chlorine, thus, improving the taste of the water. It can also reduce your risk for skin problems. Other than ensuring clean, quality water, water conditioners can prolong the lifespan of your plumbing system.

Our residential water treatment services for Wayne can find the right water conditioner to preserve your plumbing system.

The Culprit Behind the Failure of Plumbing Systems

Hard water leads to the buildup of magnesium and calcium in your plumbing fixtures. The mineral deposits can calcify and become harder to remove.

Untreated water doesn’t only accumulate in your water heater or your shower. It can clog up the pipes of your home in the long run. Clogged pipes can slow down the flow of your water. Your pipes and hoses may corrode due to the buildup, which will increase and cause your mechanism. The clogged pipes can wear-and-tear or permanently damage your pipes.

You can protect your pipes from limescale and other mineral buildups and corrosion with a water conditioner system.

The System’s Process

Water conditioners can treat the water which, in turn, dissolves existing limescale. This protects your plumbing system not just from existing scale buildup but also from future contaminants.

Periodic flushing, however, is necessary to remove loose scale or mud from the very bottom of the tank. This will result in an increased life expectancy and better performance for your plumbing system.

You can also expect optimum water pressure for your entire home with adequate water conditioning.

Reaping the Benefits

Other than safeguarding your plumbing system, water conditioners can also increase the lifespan of your household appliances. You won’t have to worry about the system wreaking havoc in your washing machines or water heaters.

With effective and efficient appliances, you save you time. You no longer have to wait for a long time for running water because the water conditioner gets rid of the anomalies that obstruct water flow.

You also save money because you don’t have to worry about maintenance costs. You could reduce energy costs because the water system functions well enough to get rid of the clogs that slow down the water flow in pipes.

The Best Option for Water Treatment

We know that a chemical-free water treatment is a suitable choice for your home. Such treatment will keep your appliances safe, protect your plumbing system, and keep your family healthy. With our superior water conditioners, we can help you achieve all three, and maintain the peak efficiency of your plumbing systems.

There are multiple types of water conditioners, from the usual carbon filtration to catalytic media softeners. We use magnetic water conditioner technology, which protects industrial, commercial, and residential plumbing systems from hard water and scale corrosion.

Our team can work on the following applications and determine the right water conditioner to ensure clean, safe, and constant supply for your home:

  • Water Heater Applications
  • Main Line Applications
  • Humidifier Applications
  • Automatic Ice Maker Applications
  • Pretreatment of Reverse Osmosis Systems
  • Garden Hose Applications
  • Geothermal System Applications
  • Solar Heater Applications
  • Swamp Coolers

Whatever your concern, we’re here to assist you. For inquiries, please contact us today.

Hard Water is Hard on Your Home Appliances, Too

It is no secret that hard water — unfiltered water with high mineral content — can adversely affect your skin and hair. But did you know that hard water can be detrimental to your home appliances, too? In some cases, hard water is the culprit why many appliances end up in the junkyard before their time.

How Hard Water Damages Your Appliances

Hard water causes calcium and magnesium buildup that decreases the flow rate or clogs the plumbing system in your home. Hard water may also erode your plumbing fixtures due to its high pH levels. These negative impacts extend to your water-consuming home appliances, such as:

  • Water Heater

One thing that lowers the efficiency of a water heater and drives up its operating costs is hard water. The minerals from hard water settle in the bottom of the water heater tank, creating an extra layer that heat has to pass through to produce warm water in your home. This layer of minerals grows over time, causing longer heating cycles or reducing the efficiency of the heater.

Of course, when your water heater works harder than it used to, it raises the home’s electricity bill. It also leads to your water heater breaking down earlier than expected, forcing you to spend money on costly repair costs or a new one.

  • Dishwasher

Do your glasses and silverware come out of the dishwasher spotty? Those white spots are mineral salts, left behind when the hard water evaporates from your dishes. The bigger problem, however, is that these mineral salts not only settle on your plates and utensils — they build up in every part of your dishwasher.

Over time, these salt buildups rust and damage the many metal parts of your dishwasher, including pumps and heating element parts. The average lifespan of dishwashers is 10 years, but when you have hard water at home, the life expectancy of your dishwasher lowers to seven years.

  • Washing Machine

Hard water leads to lime scale and other mineral buildups on your washing machine’s heating element. Over time, this buildup increases and causes the heating mechanism to fail. Limescale buildup also corrodes the pipes and hoses, resulting in the early breakdown of your machine (which is supposed to last for many years).

Indeed, hard water is hard on your water-consuming home appliances, including the high-efficiency ones. High-efficiency appliances are supposed to help you cut back on energy consumption and save money. If hard water enters those appliances, however, their efficiency will inevitably decrease as months and years go by. It means you will not receive the energy savings you should be getting.

If you want to ensure the efficiency of your water-using appliances, start by having your hard water at home filtered or treated. In that case, Superior Water Conditioners is here to help. We install residential water treatment systems in Fort Wayne. With our superior system, you can protect your plumbing network from limescale buildup and mineral deposits, as well as keep the life expectancy of your home appliances.

Contact us today to know more.

Chemical-Free Alternatives to Industrial Water Treatments

As the world becomes more environmentally aware, more people are demanding that industries start using chemical-free alternatives to industrial water treatments.

Today, water treatment plants will use several chemicals to treat, clean, and process sewage and wastewater. Unfortunately, this process creates many toxic byproducts.

To get around this, companies from around the world have started finding new ways to treat wastewater. In Fort Wayne, industrial water treatment providers have started using chemical-free alternatives to their treatment systems. Here are some options for treatment plants to consider.

Anaerobic Treatments

Anaerobic Waste Water Treatment, or AWWT, is a type of treatment that is usually used in sewage and wastewater treatment plants.

AWWT uses anaerobic organisms – organisms that don’t require oxygen –  to break down and digest biodegradable material in wastewater and turn it into biogas. The water is then sent to a sewage or wastewater plant for further treatment.

Bacteria are introduced into a reservoir of wastewater, where they immediately start to break down organic waste and turn it into various acids and compounds. These acids and compounds are then turned into methane gas, which can then be collected and used as a source of renewable energy.

Although AWWT can greatly reduce the amount of sludge in sewage and wastewater, it does nothing in terms of preventing scale build-up in industrial pipes.


In recent years, scientists from around the world have started using nano-based technology to help in the treatment of potable water in arid regions.

Nanotechnology is a field of science that uses microscopic materials and machines. In the case of water treatment, scientists use a variety of nanotech to provide water treatment solutions, particularly in impoverished areas of the world.

One of the more promising pieces of nanotechnology is Carbon Nanotubes or CNT. CNT’s are a form of carbon with a cylindrical nanostructure. The CNT is then deployed into wastewater, where the nanotech proceeds to absorb contaminants. CNT’s also have antimicrobial properties, and the entire process does not produce toxic byproducts.

While promising, nanotechnology for water treatment is still a long way from being used on an industrial scale for commercial or municipal wastewater treatment plants. This is due to its high production costs.

Multi-Field Magnets                                                                                               

The use of magnets and magnetic fields in water treatment plants has seen promising results over the past few years. Multi-field magnets reduce corrosion, scale deposits, and suspended particles in water, which can drastically reduce waste materials prior to treatment.

Water is passed through magnetized pipes, where the minerals and particles suspended in the water have their state of matter altered in such a way that they don’t turn into scale deposits. Once their state of matter is altered, the minerals form light aragonite talc which coats the bottom of pipes and other equipment, preventing free oxygen in the water from damaging metallic surfaces. The excessive solids and particles settle in the bottom and are easily removed during bleed-offs.

While magnetic field technology does not completely eradicate all bacteria or microbes from wastewater, it is one of the most promising chemical-free alternatives in the wastewater treatment industry. This is because the multi-field magnetic technology requires no chemicals, has zero toxic byproducts, and is easy to install.

In Texas, Superior Water Conditioners is the leading provider of water treatment and water conditioning solutions for industrial, commercial, and residential clients. Our services use the latest technologies coupled with over 50 years of experience in engineering and customer relations. Contact us today and we’ll provide you with the most up-to-date solution for your water conditioning needs.

Water Conditioners Prevent Inefficiencies in Food Service Equipment

In the food industry, water quality is a prime concern. Apart from its use in cooking, major food service equipment, such as steamers, dishwashers, and boilers, need water to function. It is imperative, therefore, that the water that enters and passes through them won’t hamper their function.

Unfortunately, about 85% of the country is run on hard water — including commercial machinery and equipment. This type of water contains trace minerals that build up in pipes and appliances, damaging them and impeding their respective functions in the long run.

Business and homeowners should invest in water conditioners, which treat the water to prevent minerals from forming a hard scale on surfaces and pipe linings. Allow us to show how water conditioners prevent inefficiencies in your food service equipment.

Preventing Limescale Build-up

The primary advantage of having a water conditioning system is that it prevents limescale build-up. These chalky deposits of calcium carbonate restrict water flow in pipes and appliances. If the equipment has very narrow pipes, they will operate less efficiently and clog over time.

Some tanks and boilers can lose a little bit of their capacity due to prolonged exposure to hard water, too — a few millimeters of limescale deposit reduces the heater’s ability to warm the water, in fact.

Installing a water conditioner helps ensure that water flows freely through the pipes. This helps foodservice equipment run efficiency.

Maintaining the Right Temperatures and Preserving Food Quality

Limescale build-up can disrupt the temperatures in food service equipment, hindering heat transfer, prolonging cooking time, and wasting energy.  It prevents steamers and coffeemakers from heating up their contents quickly, for instance. In cases where temperature is critical to sanitation, limescale build-up can compromise food safety.

Limescale has a porous surface conducive to bacteria growth, which also jeopardizes food safety and affects food quality (e.g., it can give ice created from ice makers an unpleasant taste).

Because water conditioners inhibit limescale build-up, they prevent these problems and the inefficiencies that come along with them. By preventing limescale deposits from forming, temperatures won’t be disrupted, and food quality won’t be compromised.

Keeping Dishes and Silverware Clean

Hard water leaves residue from trace minerals like calcium and magnesium on dishes, glasses, and utensils. Even if this is not directly harmful to one’s health, it is still unsightly and unprofessional to serve stained tableware to your guests; nobody wants to eat with spoons and bowls covered with a white film.

Manually removing these deposits is a time-consuming task. If you use dishwashers often, it is in your best interests to install a water conditioner. Since it prevents limescale build-up, it keeps your tableware clean and ready for use. Additionally, water conditioners reduce the surface tension of water, further decreasing spotting on dishes and silverware.

If you want to make sure that your food service equipment runs efficiently, let Superior Water Conditioners help. As one of the leading water treatment companies in Fort Wayne, we offer top-of-the-line water conditioners that treat water to make it suitable for food service equipment use.

Leave it to our experts to find the right water conditioning solution for you. This way, we’ll help prevent inefficiencies in your kitchen or facility.

Call us at 260-456-3596 or fill out our form today.

Saving Your Plumbing or the Environment: Why Not Both?

Hard water, which contains dissolved calcium and magnesium, has no severe impact on human health. It can, however, significantly damage your plumbing over time. The dissolved minerals will inevitably harden, build-up inside your pipes, and increase the water pressure. So, aside from blocked pipes, you could also be charged higher water bills.

In households where limescale has already accumulated within the water pipes, residents resort to a quick solution: liquid limescale removers. But, while effective, they can also be harmful to the environment.

At Superior Water Conditioners, you won’t have to choose between extending the life of your plumbing and doing your part in preserving the environment. As water conditioning system manufacturers, our products allow you to do both!

Too Salty!

Liquid limescale removers often contain a high concentration of salt, which is effective at removing limescale. It comes, however, at the expense of the environment: runoff from the chemical remover can re-enter nature, especially if the public infrastructure for water treatment is not up to date.

An excess of sodium in the ground reduces its potential to sustain plant life. So, when the salt accumulates in the root zone, it affects the plants’ ability to absorb water and dehydrates them in the long run. Additionally, runoff contains oil and rust, both of which are toxic to terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

The Chemical-Free Approach

Fortunately, technology now allows us to “soften” hard water without needing to use chemicals or salts. We can do this through the “magnetic treatment,” a procedure that we use at Superior Water Conditioners.

Instead of introducing chemical substances into your pipes, we use technology to change the ionic charges of the magnesium and calcium in the water. This disrupts their natural tendency to bond and form limescale along the inner lining of your water pipes. The beauty of this technology is that it can remove existing scale while preventing further buildup from occurring.

So, with this chemical-free solution, you can hit two birds with one stone. You can save your plumbing from scale deposits while sparing the environment from harmful substances.

Get in touch with us to learn more about Superior Water Conditioners.

When Water Hits You Hard: How Hard Water Affects Your Home’s Plumbing System

One of the common water quality issues Americans face every day is hard water. This type of water contains excessive minerals (specifically magnesium and calcium), which create all sorts of problems from minor annoyances to potentially major plumbing issues. Therefore, when hard water is flowing inside your home, you may experience the following problems in your plumbing.

Stains on Your Fixtures

Hard water produces calcium deposits in your plumbing system, which appears yellow or white. They typically show up on your sinks, showerheads, and faucets. The build-up of these deposits can make your fixtures look filthy. Even if you find a way to get rid of the deposits, they will eventually reappear if hard water passes through your pipes.

Clogging of Pipes

While some consider the pipe fixture stains the least of their concerns, they must not ignore what hard water can do to the pipes. Similar to how high cholesterol can cause fat deposits to obstruct your arteries, the limescale building up inside the tubes will eventually impede the passage of water.

As a result, your plumbing system will have to work harder to compensate for a less efficient output. Eventually, the water pressure will become so low that you won’t have a choice but to replace your pipes.

Below Par Water Heater Performance

Hard water is bad news for water heaters as it decreases the appliance’s efficiency and drives up the operating cost. The limescale will settle to the bottom of the tank and form a layer that heat has to go through to warm the water. Moreover, you’ll need to flush water heaters every three months (as opposed to once a year) to efficiently remove the built-up deposits in the tank.

Fortunately, Superior Water Conditioners has a solution that will take care of your hard water problems. As an innovative water treatment company in Fort Wayne, we provide residential water treatment systems to help homeowners protect their fixtures and tanks from limescale accumulation and corrosion. With our system, you can extend the lifecycle of your plumbing system and maintain its peak efficiency.

Contact us today for more information about our water treatment system.

3 Signs of Hard Water Problem in Your Home You Should Never Ignore

We all learned in school that water consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. But, what many of us don’t realize is that some minerals can get into the water before it gets to our taps. Groundwater usually goes through limestone, where it may pick up magnesium, iron, or calcium deposits before it flows through the faucets in our home. This often results in hard water or water with a high mineral count.

While hard water isn’t exactly a health risk, it still can affect many of our daily tasks. In fact, here are some signs of hard water issues you should never ignore:

Strange Stains on Your Bathroom Fixtures

When you have hard water at home, you’ll likely see reddish or brown stains in your toilet and on other bathroom fixtures. This is because hard water, sometimes, contains iron deposits that can corrode your pipes. When pipes get rusty, the water flowing through them can result in stains that look like rust spots. You’ll have to use a vinegar solution or elbow grease to get rid of those stains. But unfortunately, the stains will keep reappearing until you address your rusty pipes, as well as hard water problem.

Pipes That Keep Getting Clogged

Other than becoming rusty, pipes also often get clogged because of hard water. Scale deposits build up inside the pipes and constrict the flow of water, causing clogs and backups. This can lead to other major plumbing issues, especially when not addressed immediately.

Dingy Clothes

Because of its calcium and magnesium deposits, hard water makes it difficult for soap detergent to do its job washing your clothes. So, you’ll end up with clothes that appear dingy and wear out faster. Plus, mineral deposits left on clothes can dry your skin and may worsen eczema symptoms.

Fixing your pipes and bathroom fixtures can cost you a lot of money. But, the damages due to hard water can even get worse if you and your family end up suffering from skin irritation issues and other annoyances. To address hard water problems, you need to get rid of the mineral deposits in the water. Take a look at how a Superior Water Conditioner residential water treatment system can help.

If you want to know more about water conditioners, don’t hesitate to contact us, today.